Submit an abstract to present at the 10th Anniversary Conference Global Mental Health Research without Borders Abstracts due by 1 Dec 2018 CLICK HERE to submit your abstract. Last call! Don't forget to submit an abstract by December 1, 2018, for the 10th Anniversary Global Mental Health Conference. We are trying something new for the 10th-anniversary conference! This year, we invite researchers to submit abstracts to present original and innovative global mental health research at the Global Mental Health Research conference. The conference will take place on 8-9 April 2019, at the Natcher Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States. The conference will be co-hosted by the NIMH Center for Global Mental Health Research and Grand Challenges Canada to showcase findings from cutting-edge science and identify opportunities for groundbreaking research to address the grand challenges in global mental health. The grand challenges, identified in 2011, are research priorities for achieving mental health equity worldwide, with focused attention on low- and middle-income countries and other low-resource settings. The grand challenges span the research pipeline from preclinical questions about etiology, to translational questions about developing more effective preventive and treatment interventions, to service delivery and implementation questions. These challenges require global cooperation to share research expertise, facilitate data sharing and use of common measures, amplify research capacity-building opportunities, and involve the full range of the world's researchers, populations, environments, and cultures. Help us showcase cutting-edge science in six research tracks derived from the grand challenges in global mental health: - Root causes of mental illness and key targets and times for intervention
- Prevention of mental illness and the delivery of early interventions
- Improved treatment quality, value, and effectiveness
- Integration of mental health services into existing healthcare platforms (e.g., HIV/AIDS, primary care, etc.)
- Implementation of sustainable, evidence-based mental health care
- Sustainable research capacity where it is underdeveloped
Presentation Types: We invite abstract submissions for three presentation types: Symposium, paper, or poster. - Symposium - A symposium comprises a group of paper presentations that focus on a single topic or theme. Each symposium will have a total of 90 minutes (70 minutes for paper presentations, 20 minutes for discussion). A symposium may have up to five presenters, including a chair/moderator. To highlight diverse perspectives and feedback on the research, we highly encourage inclusion of one or more presenters/discussants who: (a) represent a developing country or low-resource setting; (b) are a provider, an individual with lived experience of mental illness, an advocate, or a policymaker; or (c) represent the perspectives of an underserved community or population in a developing country or other low-resource setting.
- Paper - A paper presentation will involve one speaker who will have 10 minutes to present. Conference organizers may cluster individual paper presentations into various panels, based on research topics.
- Poster - We invite graduate students, trainees, postdocs, and early-career investigators (i.e., within 10 years of terminal degree) to submit an abstract to present a research poster (36 x 60 inches maximum size) at the conference poster session (day and time to be determined). Conference organizers will award a limited number of travel stipends for poster presenters from low- and middle-income countries receiving the highest review scores.
Abstract Content: Abstracts for paper and poster presentations should be no more than 250 words. Abstracts for symposia should include an overview that is no more than 250 words, and individual presentation descriptions should be no more than 150 words each. Presentation topic, title, presenter names, and funding are not included in the word limit. Abstract submissions should include the following information: - Presentation type: Symposium, paper, or poster
- Track(s)
- Title
- Presenter name(s), degree(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es) for all presenters
- Research objective(s); study method; summary of study findings; and implications for future research, practice, and/or policy, especially in low-resource settings
- Primary funding source
Abstract Review: The criteria listed below will be used by an independent panel to review and score abstracts. Submissions with the best scores will be selected for presentations at the conference. - Importance of research objective(s)
- Relevance to the conference theme and designated track(s)
- Innovativeness of ideas, methods and or approach
- Rigor of scientific methods and approach
- Presentation of findings
- Implications for future research, practice and/or policy
- Clarity of writing
Submit abstracts by 1 Dec 2018, 5:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time. CLICK HERE to submit your abstract. Important Dates and Deadlines: Abstract Submission Open Call: 3 Oct 2018 Conference Registration Open: Coming soon Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 Dec 2018 at 5:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time Abstract Acceptance Notices: 10 Jan 2019 If you have any questions, please send an email to |
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