Friday, February 21, 2020

Medicaid Updates - 02/21/2020


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Medicaid Fiscal Integrity: Protecting Taxpayers and Patients

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Seema Verma released a blog regarding a CMS proposed rule to improve Medicaid fiscal integrity. CMS has also released information on social media.

Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services Quality Improvement and Technical Assistance

Improving Asthma Control Affinity Group

The Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) is pleased to announce the Improving Asthma Control Affinity Group to support states in implementing quality improvement (QI) activities to improve health outcomes among Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries with asthma. The Improving Asthma Control Affinity Group will provide action-oriented technical assistance (TA) to state Medicaid and CHIP agencies and their partners through group webinars and one-on-one meetings. QI advisors and asthma subject-matter experts (SME) will provide state teams with individualized guidance including QI tools to identify, implement, and test asthma initiatives and then scale those that prove successful. Participating states will meet monthly from March 2020 through December 2020 to design, prototype, and test data-driven interventions. Additional information on the affinity group, including materials from a webinar introducing the affinity group, are available at

To participate in the affinity group, please complete and submit the Expression of Interest (EOI) form by 8:00 pm EST on Wednesday, March 4, 2020. In addition to the relevant state Medicaid staff, states are encouraged to include staff from Medicaid managed care plans, providers, the department of health and other public health entities, and other relevant partners.

If you have any questions about this opportunity, please email

Medicaid & CHIP Mini-Plenary Webinars for the 2020 CMS Quality Conference:


The Centers for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) invites you to join us for a series of live webinars hosted during this year's CMS Quality Conference. The conference brings together CMS quality partners, including states, experts, and other stakeholders from current and past CMS programs such as the Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) grant programs, Medicaid managed care plans, and External Quality Review Organizations. The conference will include a track related to quality in Medicaid and CHIP programs, which will focus on innovative health care delivery approaches that demonstrate improved outcomes.

Register today for the following sessions, which will be available via live-stream webinar or on demand after the conference.

Using Data to Support Medicaid Quality Improvement, Payment Reform, and Accountability

In this session, presenters from several states will share inspiring and innovative ways they are using data and selecting effective measures to drive improvements in care through quality improvement and value-based purchasing programs on topics such as maternal mortality, asthma management, and opioid use. Speakers will share how they use "lead" measures to evaluate whether quality improvement activities are having an impact on the "lag" measures they use for health outcomes, accountability, and payment.

To participate in the presentation remotely register for the webinar.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

8:30 – 10:00 am EST

Maximizing Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care Quality Resources to Improve Care

Ensuring optimal care for Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries requires ongoing quality assessment to drive quality improvement. This session will present an overview of the federal managed care quality provisions, including the state's Quality Strategy, the managed care organization's Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement plan, and the external quality review (EQR) organization's Technical Report. A team from Pennsylvania will then describe how one state is using a variety of managed care tools to coordinate physical and behavioral health care and drive quality improvement.

To participate in the presentation remotely register for the webinar.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

1:30 - 2:20 pm EST

If you are attending the conference in person, we are excited to announce that the Medicaid and CHIP team will be hosting an exhibit hall of quality improvement initiatives and office hours for technical assistance related to the Core Set measures. Visit us in the Poe Conference Room on the Second Floor.

If you have any questions, please email

Now Recruiting: Deputy Director, CMCS State Demonstrations Group

CMCS is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Deputy Director of the State Demonstrations Group. This position will help lead the team that conducts the review, approval and oversight of section 1115 Medicaid demonstrations. The selected individual will work closely with state and internal federal partners to advance state-led innovation. Learn more or apply.


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