Apply for the Financial Acumen Learning Collaborative Submissions due February 5, 2021 Visit the submission webpage. A core component of successful partnerships with health care entities is solid expertise that can help assess the short and long-term financial impact of potential partnerships. To help aging and disability community-based organizations (CBOs) develop this skillset, the Aging and Disability Business Institute, with support from the Administration for Community Living, is announcing a call for applications for a learning collaborative that will provide CBO leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to strengthen their financial operations and help them create and sustain financially viable partnerships with health care entities. The Financial Acumen Learning Collaborative (FALC) will engage up to 15 organizations in an interactive curriculum that will cover financial acumen topics and practices such as accurately costing out agency services, assessing net income using various pricing methods, evaluating and managing financial risk, and calculating the return on investment of a partnership for potential health care partners. Nonprofit and government-based CBOs, including Area Agencies on Aging, Centers for Independent Living, other aging and/or disability services providers and networks of CBOs, are encouraged to apply by the February 5 deadline. Learn more by reading the FALC Charter and plan to join the Aging and Disability Business Institute for an informational webinar on January 19 at 3:00 PM ET. Want more news from the Aging and Disability Business Institute? Stay up-to-date on the latest resources and materials by subscribing to our biweekly newsletter. Administered by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), the Business Institute is supported by funding from The John A. Hartford Foundation, the Administration for Community Living and The SCAN Foundation. Back to top |
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