November 3, 2021 | View as a webpage | | | November is Native American Heritage Month Native American Heritage Month celebrates the rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and history and acknowledges the important contributions of American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, including their work in public health. Throughout November, the HHS Office of Minority Health (OMH) will focus on raising awareness about health disparities impacting the American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) community and highlighting policies, programs, and practices aimed at advancing health equity for AI/AN populations. | ¡Tomemos el control! HHS Launches Spanish-Language Campaign to Improve Diversity in Lupus Clinical Trials OMH and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Office of Minority Health and Health Equity (FDA OMHHE) have joined forces to launch the Let's Take Charge! campaign to increase diversity in lupus clinical trials. The campaign is now available in Spanish as ¡Tomemos el control! ¡Tomemos el control! es una iniciativa para que la investigación sobre el lupus sea más inclusiva y diversa. Con esta campaña, HHS OMH, FDA OMHHE y sus aliados abordarán las preocupaciones de los pacientes y los mitos sobre los estudios clínicos. Juntos podemos promover la equidad en la salud y mejorar las vidas de las personas afectadas por esta enfermedad crónica e incurable. | OMH Update: Call for Center for Indigenous Innovation and Health Equity Tribal Advisory Committee Delegates OMH is recruiting primary and alternate delegates for the Center for Indigenous Innovation and Health Equity Tribal Advisory Committee (CIIHE TAC), in alignment with the 12 geographic areas served by the Indian Health Service (IHS). Information about CIIHE TAC membership can be found here, including eligibility requirements, selection criteria, and nomination procedures. We have extended our deadline and encourage you to submit your nomination letter no later than January 7, 2022. | | | | Funding | | Setting the Table for a Healthy Food System in Indian Country Food pantries and food banks grant from the First Nations Development Institute. Deadline is November 12. Indian Housing Block Grant: Competitive Grant Program Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Deadline is December 1. Research to Improve Native American Health Research grant from NIH. Deadline for Letters of Intent is April 17, 2022. | | Resource Center for Tribal Epidemiological Centers Cooperative agreements from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Deadline is November 30. Culturally Tailored Palliative and End-of-Life Care for American Indians and Alaska Natives Research Grant from NIH. Deadline is January 7, 2022. FY 2022 AmeriCorps State and National Tribal Grants National service and community health grant from AmeriCorps. Deadline is May 4, 2022, by 5:00 p.m. ET. | | | | | | Webinars and Other Events | | Fall 2021 Infectious Disease Regional Institute Virtual COVID-19 learning institute hosted by the National Indian Health Board (NIHB). November 4, 10:00 a.m. ET. Two-Eyed Seeing: Native Wisdom Traditions and Western Science Webinar hosted by the National AI/AN Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network. November 10, 1:00 p.m. ET. The 2021 White House Tribal Nations Summit Virtual summit hosted by the White House. November 15-16. Registration deadline is November 5. | | Recovery & Healing Conference Virtual conference hosted by the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, We Are Warriors, and the Great Plains Tribal Leaders Health Board. November 10, 10:30 a.m. ET. ACF Office of Head Start Virtual Tribal Consultation Head Start consultation session hosted by the HHS Administration for Children and Families (ACF). November 15, 1:00 p.m. ET. Alaska Tribal Conference on Environmental Management Virtual conference hosted by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. November 15-19. | | | | | | Resources | Resources: COVID-19 Resource: Urban Indian Diabetes Care and Outcomes Dashboard The Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI) Urban Diabetes Care & Outcomes Dashboard, Audit Years 2015–2019, monitors diabetes healthcare and outcomes among AI/AN patients with diabetes who receive services from the 31 Urban Indian Organizations participating in the annual IHS Diabetes Care and Outcomes Audit. The dashboard highlights the strengths and disparities in the health of urban AI/AN patients with diabetes. | Teen and Young Adult Health: We R Native We R Native is a multimedia health resource for Native teens and young adults. The service includes an interactive website, a text messaging service, and social media. We R Native addresses the social, structural, and environmental stressors that influence adolescent health; with particular focus given to the prevention of suicide, bullying, sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy, and drug and alcohol use. | | | | Clinical Trials | Protecting Native Families from COVID-19 This study, sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, seeks Tribal members who live within a one hour radius of an IHS Tribal health facility, including elderly adults older than 65 years old and young adults ages 18-34 years old. The study will be carried out at IHS Tribal health facilities in Whiteriver and Chinle, Arizona, and Shiprock, New Mexico. Blood Pressure-Improving Control Among Alaska Native People This study, sponsored by the Southcentral Foundation and Washington State University, seeks Alaska Native or American Indian volunteers age 18 years or older with a hypertension diagnosis. The study will be carried out at the Anchorage Native Primary Care Center in Anchorage, Alaska and the Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center in Wasilla, Alaska. | | | Workforce Development | Clinical Medical Assistant Training Program: California This free online training, provided by the San Francisco State University College of Extended Learning in collaboration with the California Rural Indian Health Board (CRIHB), teaches the skills needed to perform tasks such as administering medications, assisting with minor surgery, and performing electrocardiograms. Eligibility is limited to employees and community members associated, either by Tribal affiliation or employment, with CRIHB member Tribal health programs and their affiliated Tribes. Deadline for application is November 8. Cultural Competency Training: American Indians and Alaska Natives The Tulane University School of Public Health and Medicine, in partnership with the Southern Plains Tribal Health Board, offers two online eLearning programs on how to communicate more effectively with AI/AN patients and how to develop and implement culturally appropriate programs and practices for substance abuse prevention. | | | | Knowledge Center | | | Recommended Reading During Native American Heritage Month, the OMH Knowledge Center is highlighting a series of four reports from the Urban Indian Health Institute titled Our Bodies, Our Stories. These reports provide key statistics and insight into sexual violence and domestic violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women. - Our Bodies, Our Stories: Sexual Violence Among Native Women in Seattle, WA
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls: A Snapshot of Data from 71 Urban Cities in the United States
- MMIWG: We Demand More
- Supporting the Sacred: Womxn of Resilience
Click here to view these four titles in the online catalog. | | | | | - | |
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