Friday, February 18, 2022

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week February 21-27, 2022

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It is estimated that over 28 million Americans will have an eating disorder in their lifetime.

Eating disorders affect people of all ages, racial/ethnic backgrounds, genders, sexual orientations, body shapes, weights, socioeconomic statuses, and physical abilities. Eating disorders are more likely to appear in teen years or young adults, but there has been a noticeable increase in cases among children, older adults, and military service members. 

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAW) is an opportunity to bring awareness to the seriousness of eating disorders across the United States and what we can do to reduce their impact on individuals and their families.

Join the Office on Women's Health, other HHS offices, and community organizations as we highlight the the major types of eating disorders, their symptoms, and treatment options.  and how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected increased symptoms 

Learn more about NEDAW

 White House Proclamation:

2022 National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Read More

New HHS Blog

Read the new NEDAW blog by HHS Assistant Secretary of Health ADM Rachel Levine and OWH Director, Dr. Dorothy Fink on what HHS is doing to increase awareness, improve screening and treatment, and reduce stigma around eating disorders. 

Read the blog here: 

HHS Announcement

What Can You Do to Support National Eating Disorder Awareness Week?

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Spread the Word!


 Use the NEDAW toolkit  to get social media  messages and other resources on eating disorders to share throughout your networks.

 Follow us on Twitter or Facebook and retweet or  share our messages. 

 Visit our Office on Women's Health Pinterest page for graphics.


Join the National Eating Disorder Awareness Week Events!

 February 24, 2022 12:00 PM EST

  Fireside Chat: 

A CANDID CONVERSATION ON Eating Disorders Awareness Week 

Join HHS Assistant Secretary of Health ADM Rachel Levine, Ginger Zee, Elisa Donovan, and Lisa Murano of the National Alliance for Eating Disorders in a conversation about eating disorders and the journey to recovery. Watch the event on the HHS Instagram account here: 

NEDAW WH event

eating disorder summit

Eating Disorders and the COVID-19 Pandemic Summit 

February 24, 2022   2:00 PM EST

Join the summit as health providers and researchers discuss current trends in eating disorders. Presenters will also talk about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the increase in eating disorder symptoms and hospitalizations among adolescents. Hosted by HHS' Office on Women's Health and Office on Population Health.

Two ways to watch the summit:

Connect directly to meeting here

 Watch via HHS Livestream 

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